Importing games to PlayMetrics can be accomplished by anyone with basic spreadsheet skills.
- Obtain the full schedule from the league administrator
- PYSA Tim Copeland
- OYSA Valerie Westlund
- Reduce the schedule to only the rows that apply to your league
- Filter out every club other than LYS clubs, using the 'home club' column
- OYSA has duplicate entries so you can see all your games filtering by 'home club', but for PYSA schedules, you need to also capture the rows where LYS clubs are the 'away club'.
- For PYSA, LYS teams can appear either in Home or Away columns. Add a new column ('Division Name') and set it to be LYS if either home or away is an LYS team.
- 'Division Name' is a field that sorts teams in Playmetrics import. If every row has the same Division Name then a single game should map on to two teams.
- filter out non-LYS games using the new division column.
- With 'Admin' role, Select the League for your games
- Create a league if necessary
- Assign your current Season to the league
- current season (eg 'PYSA K-5 Rec Spring 2023') should have been created when importing teams
- Select teams for the season/league (IMPORTANT: this adds pool teams to the league for games. It must be done before the import)
In Leagues->{your league}, select the 'Games' tab
- Use 'Import Games' button in the upper right
- Download the sample.csv file to get the correct headings for import
- Copy the columns from the sample.csv to the league spreadsheet
- Replace 'Game #" with 'External Game ID'
- Join the 'Venue' and 'Field #' columns with a macro, like '=CONCAT(B2, " ",C2 )', in a column titled 'Field Name'
- Change the name on other columns that match with the sample.csv
- don't worry about deleting columns from PYSA that are not needed.
- Save the updated CSV with a date in the club google drive, so others can refer to what was uploaded.
- Upload your CSV, and work through the screens to map playmetrics teams/fields to your spreadsheet
- this is time consuming, but you only have to do it once. Subsequent imports WILL REMEMBER your selections
- Before finalizing import, review errors reported. However, other reported errors probably represent a mistake in your import configuration.
Expect PYSA and OYSA to update schedules! Always ask for a spreadsheet when schedules change. The spreadsheets have a 'last modified' column that you can sort to reduce the rows to the set of LYS games that have changed. When games change:
- refer to the last imported spreadsheet on the shared LYS drive
- spot-check that the Game IDs match up with the previous import for changed rows
- on import, check that Playmetrics updated games based on game ids, rather than adding a duplicate
- Duplicates will occur if coaches are manually changing games because they got a schedule notification. It is safer to rely on imports for updates.
- At the end of an import with updates, select "notify the team of new games"