The Hillside Equipment manager helps coaches get everything they need to start the season. They take orders from coaches on the standard set of gear, and order/collect the purchase from Tursi soccer supply or another vendor. They sort the equipment out into groups based on the coach needs, and set it out on their porch for coaches to pick up.
This is a really fun job, because your kids will get a kick out of having 5 dozen soccer balls on the porch. The time commitment is minimal and coincides with the start of each season. It is helpful to have these aspects if you want to manage equipment:
- reasonable storage space, for coaches returning equipment. The total amount of gear between seasons can be as much as 6 storage bins, plus a pile of corner flags. If your basement is completely full already, this job is not for you.
- reasonable front or back porch access for coaches to collect gear
- being somewhat close to Chapman makes it easy for coaches to pick up.
The current equipment manager is Rob Solmer.