line up as kids and balls on the 6 yard line in front of the net. Each kid tries to kick the ball and hit the net without the ball touching the ground. CAUTION! kids will try to run into the net to get their balls. This is dangerous and they will be hit by the next kid. Make sure they wait until the round is finished! TIP! put the left-footed kids together on one side, so they don't bang in to others. TIP! Have the kids kick one-by-one across the line - eventually you can get one kid to go per second. Kids that successfully hit the net are in the next round too. Back the line up to the penalty spot and try again. Repeat until you have a champion -- usually this happens after 4 rounds, at the edge of the D. TIP! If you eliminate kids from participation, then only the best strikers will get the most practice. Make everyone play each round, but those that are still in the game go at the end of the round. Kids love this game. VARIATION: make sure the ball is rolling forward when they strike the ball. It is rare to get a free kick, most strikes are made on a moving ball, which is harder.